Design and Innovation Walking Tour

Melbourne is full of unique architecture ranging from early historic buildings to modern contemporary marvels.

This Design and Innovation walking tour takes you past 23 of Melbourne's diverse architectural wonders.

You can pick up a route map from the Melbourne Visitor Centre........

Australian Centre for Contemporary Art

........It's the brochure headed Design and Innovation although the actual route is titled the City Spine Walking Tour.

There's a mixture of old buildings and new on this route, many completely unique and inspiring.

Twelve of the buildings have been built since 2000. It really shows what a contemporary city Melbourne is allowing all these modern creative visions to be built.

Royal Exhibition Building in Carlton Gardens

You start at the marvelous Australian Centre for Contemporary Art (see photo at top) and the route takes between 1.5 and 2 hours and finishes at Melbourne Museum.

The brochure also has a second route to follow, the Docklands Design Walk........

.........This takes you past some of the amazing new architecture springing up in Melbourne's newest district just on the outskirts of the Melbourne Central Business District in Docklands.........

........This walk takes about an hour.

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