Newcomers Network

Newcomers Network is a free social networking group. It's not only for newbies although there were a lot of new people when I went to one of their events shortly after arriving here in Melbourne.

A social event is held monthly. At the time of writing it's on the second Wednesday of every month at the Lanai Bar and Restaurant at 113-123 Queen Street, Melbourne.

The meeting was at the The Rendezvous Hotel in Flinders Street the night I went along but as the venue gets changed periodically make sure you check out their website before attending.

It generally starts at 7.30pm and you need to be there by 8pm to get a name badge. The name badge is very useful to help you mix by the way.

You do need to pay for your own drinks (if you have one). It'll be a completely free event if you drink tapwater! (I've got to admit here that I didn't so it wasn't truly a free event but pretty close to it)!

There were about 40 people there the night I attended.

It was very social with the host mingling and getting everyone moving around chatting to eachother if she thought you weren't mixing enough - like myself, my wife and sister-in-law!.....

I think it's human nature not to mix much with others if you go somewhere in a group though- so go alone and MIX!!

I actually saw them marching in the Australia Day Parade this year - you don't need to join them doing that though - hope not anyway!!

According to the website, they also now do free seminars on living and working in Melbourne. It's on the same night, same place from 6pm till 7.30pm......

Can't be bad - check it out on Newcomer Network.

You need to register for the seminar but you can just turn up for the social meet-up.

Sorry about the lack of photo's on this page by the way - I went along a long time before I started doing this website so didn't take any photos!

Before running off home at the end, why not take the opportunity to get a great free night view over Melbourne. Click on my Hotel Sofitel page and you'll see how to get a fantastic view from the 35th floor.

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